Personal Attention, Exceptional Legal Representation

Dedicated Legal Advocacy When Trust And Estate Disputes Are Unavoidable

A common goal of estate planning is to avoid fighting among family members and heirs to the estate. Even if your loved one established an estate plan before he or she passed away, however, a family dispute may still be unavoidable. There may be claims that a relative used undue influence to increase his or her inheritance. Family members may even claim they were wrongfully disinherited. Estate and trust disputes are fraught with complications and tangled emotions and can be a source of family disputes that linger for years.

Our attorney at The Law Office of Nicole C. Morris, P.A., has fought relentlessly to protect the intentions of people who established estate plans. She is highly experienced at advocating for family members questioning the validity of a will or trust. Ms. Morris also has a strong background defending trustees, executors and those with powers of attorney facing litigation.

When Does Probate Require Litigation?

Mourning the loss of your loved one can be unimaginably difficult, especially if you are dealing with a family dispute simultaneously. The raw emotions involved can quickly cause issues to escalate. Our attorney can step in without adding fuel to the fire. She knows how to handle highly sensitive disputes in the following areas:

Do you have reason to believe someone influenced the direction of your loved one’s will? Are assets from the estate missing or undervalued? Did a trustee breach his or her duties? Our attorney has the skills and resources to sort out any disputes you encounter.

What Are Valid Reasons To Contest A Trust?

Just as wills can be contested, the legitimacy of a trust can also be challenged for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Violation of state laws: Trust is not valid under Florida’s trust laws
  • Lack of mental capacity: Decedent was unable to make sound decisions at the time the trust was created
  • Undue influence: Decedent was coerced into appointing a trustee or financially benefiting someone against his or her wishes
  • Fraud/forgery: Signature is forged and trust is not approved by the decedent

Any type of trust can be contested, but not everyone has the legal standing to do so. The person contesting it must hold direct personal interest in the matter. Usually this only includes beneficiaries or people who would legally be eligible to be part of the inheritance but were excluded from the trust.

If you have reason to believe your loved one’s trust is invalid or wrongly influenced by another person, you need a skilled lawyer assisting you. Our team at The Law Office of Nicole C. Morris, P.A., works with families through tough and complicated conflicts. We will review your loved one’s estate plan and determine whether his or her trust is valid. If it is not, we can help you successfully contest it.

When Experience Matters, Contact Our Attorney

No type of estate dispute is too simple or complicated for our attorney to handle. Our access to industry-leading experts is invaluable in helping our clients.

Please contact us online or call 561-702-6012 for a consultation. We are located in Palm Beach Gardens and work with clients throughout Florida as well as around the country for probate issues in Florida.